Beauty: Smoky Eyes

My favourite make up artist, Mario Dedivanovic, did an interview with US Magazine on how to achieve Kim Kardashian’s “smoky eyes”. I love that he explains in so much detail and includes all the products that he uses. This look works on everyone! Hope you like it…

1. Start out with a bit of foundation on the eyelids and set with loose powder. This will give your lids the perfect base to apply shadows and blend them flawlessly.

2. Take a medium to dark shimmery shade of either copper, bronze or slate and apply all over the lids up to the crease. Try MAC PRO Reflects in Antique Gold.

3. Using a clean soft brush, blend that out towards the temples. I like to blend up as well for a great smokey cat eye. Line all along the upper lash line with a black pencil and go thicker with the line towards the outter corners.

4. Using a small brush or Q-Tip, blend the top line a bit so that the liner blends into the shadow on the lid.

5. Curl lashes and apply a couple of coats of mascara. Try Lancome’s Hypnose Drama mascara for great volume and length.

6. Clean off the under eye area with a makeup wipe. Apply concealer underneath the eyes. Try Smashbox High Definition Liquid Concealer.

7. Set concealer with a loose powder. Use the black pencil along the inner rim of the eyes and feel free to go outside of the inner rim and along the lower lashes just a bit.

8. Using the copper shadow on a smaller brush, smoke the lower lash line right below the black line. Blend with a clean brush so there are no harsh lines.

9. Finish the eyes with black mascara on the lower lashes as well.

This entry was published on November 20, 2010 at 12:08 pm and is filed under Beauty. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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